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2. Metallic cable ties are allowed in this facility. 

1. When cleaning, what should NOT be used on product contact surfaces?

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3. How should cleaning items be stored when not in use?


4. Why should the number of wood pallets stored in a packaging area be kept to a minimum?


5. Lubricants and other materials having direct or incidental food contact must be an approved food grade type. These include, but are not limited to: 


6. A Scotch-Brite pad can be used as long as it is stored in a sanitary manner and only if the pad is not frayed and worn. 

7. Washable towels can be used for single purpose in a single location.



8. Which item below is NOT listed on the label of food grade materials, such as lubricants, coding ink, & hand sanitizers?


9. Which of the following does NOT need to be food grade?


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